The study of Mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
By studying Mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.
The syllabus consists of the following strands:
- Working Mathematically
- Number and Algebra
- Measurement and Geometry
- Statistics and Probability.
The aim of Mathematics in K–10 is for students to:
- be confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives and as active citizens
- develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with mathematical processes, and be able to pose and solve problems and reason in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability
- recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible, enjoyable discipline to study, and an important aspect of lifelong learning.
Scope and Sequence
Shortland Public School's Scope and Sequence has recently been updated after extensive research into best practice. Students are catered for and supported through differentiated learning programs where students are grouped to match their abilities.
Assessment and Reporting
· Assessment tasks/work samples identified at Stage level. Discussion across stages to ensure similar approaches to teacher input etc.
· Assessment will take place on a class and stage basis.
· SENA 1 and SENA 2 testing in Terms 1 and 4 for all classes/stages. This also covers the Additive Strategies and Quatinifying Numbers apsects of the Numeracy Progressions.
· Testing for each term to guide ability-based Maths Groups.
· NAPLAN in Term 2 for Year 3 and Year 5.
· Reporting procedures are according to the Department of Education and Training guidelines and completed in Term 2 and Term 4. Parents can request an interview to discuss student progress.