Shortland Public School provides an active and enjoyable environment to allow students to participate in a broad range of physical activities. This focus is to help students improve their physical fitness and to move with skill and confidence throughout their lives.
Our students develop fundamental movement skills to participate in basic games, activities and sporting events. These skills are applied across the school in fun games and activities from K-6.
Students are presented with many opportunities to participate in a variety of extra-curricular sporting teams such as our Aboriginal Dance Group, Basketball, Touch-Football, Rugby League, Soccer, AFL and Netball teams. These teams regularly participate in knockout competitions and gala days. Shortand Public School also provides opportunities for students to participate in swimming, athletics and cross-country carnivals.
Students at Shortland Public School are allocated a sport house on their enrolment. These four houses are as follows:
Students are encouraged to wear their house colours on whole school sport days such as our annual swimming carnival and athletics carnival.